Testosterone Boosting Supplements – the Facts Part 1

"Testosterone boosting" supplements/formulas have become a very po[censored] r category in the supplement industry of late. It seems everyone, boy or man, seems to want to "boost" their levels of the hormone that makes men men. Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of this hormone, and readers can see that via my other writings on the topic found throughout this web site. Everyone, men and women, can potentially benefit from maintaining optimal levels of this essential hormone.

However, this write up is not going to cover the hormone per se, but to discuss the various over the counter (OTC) products/formulas claiming to increase it. As there are literally hundreds, perhaps thousands, of products/formulas on the market at this point, all claiming to "boost" this important hormone, I am going to be talking in generalities about these products vs. a specific ingredient or formula.

A few ingredients in these formulas have been shown – via dubious "research" at best – to have a small impact on T, with the majority of them either having no research behind them or research that found they did nada for T levels.

To summarize this supplement category, the T booster supplements generally contain ingredients that:

• Have no data behind them – or –

& #8232;• The data they do have is of very poor quality/ and/or taken out of context/not applicable – or & #8232;

• The doses used in the formula are far below what a study used to get the effect.

Obviously, the above can (and does!) apply to many products/formulas in the sports nutrition industry, but I find the "T boosters" worse then other categories in that respect.

OK, so lets give some T booster product the benefit of the doubt and say it does have some effects on T. That brings up a few important issues to consider.

& #8232;Physiological Threshold Concepts

Here's a simple thought experiment: If you take a small amount of testosterone, say 25mg per week of T propionate•, will your testosterone levels go up slightly for a short time? Yes. Will your muscle m[censored] increase and or your strength increase? Nope. Anyone who has ever taken any T – or knows the first thing about the topic – knows
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