Must have features for a successful website

A website is an integral part of a business firm, acting as a primary link that connects the company to the niche audiences. It is one thing to have the world's best looking website and quite another to take the website and make it so that it is fully visible to the niche audiences. An ideal website is the one that is easy to navigate, user friendly, provides prompt and reliable information, requires little upkeep, and is functional. The Internet today is inundated with a mindboggling array of websites. To gain an edge against the competition, the website should be built on a distinct theme so that it stands out in the crowd and commands attention. Whether you are looking to design a fully equipped ecommerce site or graphic loaded fashion sites, listed below are basic features that your website must have.

Creatively designed home page

Creating powerful impression on the visitors is of utmost importance in website designing. The visitors generally have very short attention span; the first 3 to 4 seconds is enough time for a new visitor to determine whether to stay or leave the website. Rather than reading through your website, the visitor will be giving it a cursory glance, and in that one glance, your website has to do the job of providing the information they are looking for. In these first few seconds, every miniscule detailing of your website from general layout, colour theme, synchronization to content will work to create a lasting impression on the viewers. Creativity is of essence here. Think out of the box; come up with ideas that are sure to grab eyeballs. While focusing on aesthetic appeal of the website, do not overlook functionality.

Website layout and coding

A well-structured and crisp website layout is part and parcel of modern search engine marketing techniques. Often, web designers commit the mistake of stuffing the website with too many features, graphics, links and information. Overstuffing the website can spell failure for your business. Make sure the website is clean, uncluttered and easy on the eyes. Your website should not only look good but also perform well online, with all those elements that search engine considers mandatory present. The website should be easy for major search engines to crawl through and analyse.

Website content

Did you know it is the content placed in the website that finally spells success or failure for your business? The content placed in the website is as important as the website design itself. The content should be well researched, creatively written and succinct. Make sure the content in your website has the right amount of SEO in it, so that it not only reads naturally, but is also highly optimised.

Search box

A search box is an essential feature for any website. Ideally, a search option is placed on upper right side of the page. Even if your website is creatively decked, clean, concise with easy navigation menu, a visitor might still not feel inclined to go through everything that you have to offer. In such instances, a search option can prove handy. By performing search, viewers will have access to exact thing that they are looking for without wasting time in browsing.

Call to action

Call to action is the life source for your website. The whole point of going through lengthy designing and marketing process of website is to generate business. Have a clear call to action on your website that will further create sales leads for you.

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